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Taking Control Of Our "Stinking Thinking"

Have you ever experienced loss or rejection? Didn't get the job you wanted? The relationship didn't turn out the way you imagined? Having financial setbacks? When it comes to obtaining optimal health, one of the biggest obstacles to overcome is taking control of our stinking thinking. Our mind can be our worst enemy because it causes us to dwell, worry, overthink, and focus on untrue, negative thoughts. These negative thoughts are produced by ruminating on situations that are beyond our control. Or engaging in self talk that produces shame, guilt, discouragement or defeat. We are all susceptible to the stinking thinking dilemma when we allow our negative thoughts to take control and lead us into a path where we question who we are (our identity and worth) and where we are headed (our life purpose and destiny).

When challenging situations occur in our lives, our mind can so easily gravitate to thinking on all the worst case scenario's. We find ourselves replaying these same scenarios over and over again until we are trapped in a whirlwind of mental conversation that sounds like; "Why didn't I do it that way, "How could I be so careless", "Why didn't they choose me, What's wrong with me", "I will never be good enough", If they really cared then..." And the list can go on and on. This type of negative thinking and destructive self talk are rooted in untrue, distorted beliefs that cause us to question our ability, value, worth and purpose. Negative thought patterns can also directly impact our mood and behavior which can create feelings of depression, hopelessness and overall defeat. I like to say....Negative thoughts produce negative feelings, negative feelings produce negative actions, which brings about negative results. The answer to the problem is to take control of your thoughts before they take control of you.

It is important to challenge negative thinking with what is true and not our perceived truth. I constantly ask my clients "What evidence do you have of that thought"? Focusing on what is true can help stop the stinking thinking dilemma. We all know that whatever the mind focuses on, it finds. If we focus on negativity and allow ourselves to be overtaken by negative thinking and pessimism, our lives suffer. Unless you take action to change the way your mind works, your ability to manifest positive life experiences will be greatly diminished. For Christians, the character of God and His word (scripture) are considered truth but the mind or thoughts are usually contrary to them both. Instead of focusing on faith, the focus is on fear. Instead of focusing on abundance, the focus is on lack. Instead of focusing on truth and divine promises, the focus is on the news, sitcoms and current circumstances. Negative thinking can steal your joy and peace and interfere with living out your purpose. There is a scripture that says: Whatever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report....think on those things (Philippians 4:8).Taking the time each day to reprogram your thought patterns with positive affirmations and divine truth will allow you to adopt a positive attitude and optimistic thinking will become your natural state of mind.

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