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Finding Power In Your Pain

We have all heard the saying "No Pain No Gain". This saying is insinuating that much reward can come when we experience and endure painful situations or circumstances. Well, how can that be easily spoken when those circumstances are centered in loss, trauma, disappointment or rejection? All of these situations can bring an excruciating pain that one would believe, they are not equipped to handle. I like to picture the body builder or any person that desires to enhance or tone their physical body. Working out is not an easy task. As a matter of fact, it can be extremely painful when your pressing your body to get through a lengthy jog, weight lifting or even squats. Although painful, with endurance, our body will begin to exhibit the fruit of our hard labor and that being strength, agility and power.

Having the right perspective of our emotional pain is important because pain is inevitable. A person can encounter pain regardless of social status, ethnicity or gender. The bible tells us that living in this world we will encounter pain (John 16:33) and as a matter of fact we shouldn't be surprised when it happens ( I Peter 4:12-13). Surely there are different causes for our pain; self inflicted pain, pain caused by others, unexpected pain as a result of tragedy, and trauma. Regardless of the source, all pain has one thing in common, the potential to make a person better, stronger or it can debilitate us in the end. Nobody wants pain and at times we will do what we can to avoid it, run from it or even numb it through various means. This response to pain can be expected when we view our pain as something to destroy us and not as something that can transform, develop or strengthen us ( 2. Corinthians 4:7-9). Pain can be a catalyst for perseverance, maturity (James 1: 2-4), self-awareness and a greater empathy for the suffering of others (2. Corinthians 1:4).

Since we recognize that pain will occur and is inevitable, instead of trying to run from it or avoid it... Embrace It! There are no long term benefits to ignoring or pushing away emotional pain. As a matter of fact, many times resistance only leads to persistence, especially when dealing with our emotions. If we realize that every thought, feeling, and situation has a unique and specific role in our lives, we can begin to accept them and learn from every experience we encounter. When we embrace the painful aspects that occur in our lives we release ourself from the power it has over us.

No matter what you are going through there is benefit to Finding Purpose In Your Pain! God reminds us in scripture that we are as precious to Him as gold. When we think about gold that is first extracted from the earth it has the potential for beauty but it is full of impurities. In order to bring gold to a beautiful state it must go through a refining process that requires heat, more heat and even more heat. The heat brings the impurities to the surface and the process continues until the gold is pure and has a clear reflection. Our painful situations are like the heat added to gold that can bring in our lives a decrease of pride, selfishness, indifference and increase our compassion, humility and faith. Our pain redefines our identity, purpose, and passion in life.

No matter what the root cause of your pain may be, it is important to make a commitment to yourself that you will always Live With An Open Heart! When you have experienced pain, suffering and loss it can cause you to shut down and shut off. The death of a loved one, the break-up of an intimate relationship or friendship, broken promises, disappointment, and betrayal are some painful experiences that leave the heart wounded and bleeding. There is temptation to duck, cover, guard our hearts, close ourselves off to others and even to taking care of ourselves. When we close our hearts off we are not only interfering with the healing process but any new opportunities for loving experiences to enter our lives. When we keep our hearts open, we insert the power to love, live ad heal. In spite of our painful circumstances, we are worthy of giving and receiving love because we choose power in our pain!

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